Question : Batch file to create a web page thru cgi

Setup:  web server residing on NT file server.

I'm trying to generate a web page using a simple batch file.  However, the problem I'm running into is in echoing a blank line to the webserver after
Content-type: text/html

In Perl, this would be
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

In DOS, I'm using
@echo off
echo Content-type: text/html

Now, how do I echo a blank line?  Type echo on a line by itself just echos echo is off.

It seems to me that this question should be really easy, but if it isn't, let me know.


Answer : Batch file to create a web page thru cgi

Use the command 'echo.' (echo followed by a period). This will output \n to stdout.

Ths your code is:
@echo off
echo Content-type: text/html

hope this helps...
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