Question : Reading Log Files with Perl Then E-mailing Errors

In Perl 5.005 what is the best way to read a log file and search for the word ERROR
then return those ERROR messages (possibly in a string) to another file as well as then
e-mail them to myself - likely this log will have errors everyday (hopefully not but I'm just assuming)

I'm very new to Perl and don't even know where to start on this one - any snippets anyone has on this would be great

Answer : Reading Log Files with Perl Then E-mailing Errors

Oke here it is. You can uncomment the # print lines for testen. I have tested the code on a Unix machine, so you need to set it for Windows.

The e-mailing I left out. You can just e-mail the $errors using any email code you want.... since you work with windows the 'sendmail' will not work for you.

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

open(LOG,"basew.log") or die "Unable to open logfile:$!\n";
open(ERRORS,"errors.log") or die "Can not read iwddderrors.log $!\n";

$dateprinted = false;
$reported = false;
while () {
      if (/^Started/i) {
            $startedline = $_;
#            print "
startedline: $startedline";
            if (grep{$_ eq $startedline} @ERRORRECS) {
#                  print "
Grep: $_ Exist allready";
                  $reported = true;
            } else {
#                  print "
Not exist";
                  $reported = false;
                  $dateprinted = false;
            } #end if grep
      } #end if started

      if ((/^ERROR/) && ($reported eq false)) {
            if ($dateprinted eq true) {
            } else {
                  $dateprinted = true;
            } #end if dateprinted

      } #end if error
} #end while Log1


open(ERRORS,">>errors.log") or die "Can not write to iwddderrors.log $!\n";
print ERRORS "$mailerrors\n";

print "

Here Mailerror: $mailerrors";
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