Question : Stop Adsense Security Error: Content at <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">http://googleads.g.doublec<wbr /></a> may not load data from...

Google has been aware for over a year that their Adsense code causes FireFox to report a security error:

Security Error: Content at may not load data from...

However, they have done nothing about it, and refuse to even acknowledge the issue despite massive amounts of complaints from Adsense publishers. My question is there anyway around this? Normally I would not care, but...

On my website, I load all the adsense ads at the bottom of the page. Then I use javascript to reposition them. I do it basically instantly, so you can't even tell. I can't use css because the layout is too complicated. However, moving the ads instantly seems to cause this security error about 50 times a second for 10 seconds! Meaning any page I load I get 500 errors! It I delay the moving of the ads by a second, or add it to the onload event, then I get 2 errors, not 500. However, delaying the ads 1 second is not feasible and would descrease revenue. So, does anyone have a solution?

Answer : Stop Adsense Security Error: Content at <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">http://googleads.g.doublec<wbr /></a> may not load data from...

This doesn't solve the Google Adsense errors, which there doesn't seem to be a solution to. However, as per my first post on how to load the ads at the bottom of the page, and then move them via javascript and css. I realized that actually moving the element in the dom causes it to refresh, which is a violation of Google's tos. However, if you just move the ads relative to the holder by using javascript to absolutely position them (but leave them where they are in the dom) that works fine. And if any part of the page expands, just have the ads repositioned again when you do that.

This seems like a better solution than an iframe, since it's on the same page, and Google can easily crawl it for content and relative ads. It also works with any ads, not just Google.

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