Question : Vision Slogan
I want to design a logo for my client, but I need to come up with a slogan first. Here is my domain: seeforless.com. I am still working on putting products in, but you can see the drift of the site.
Here some possible slogans I will pick from: - Think clear vision. Think See for Less. - See more, for less. - See clearer for less. - Enjoy clear vision one day at a time.
Do yall like any of them? Please explain why? Also, if you can think of any others slogans, I greatly appreciate your input.
Thanks, Adam
Answer : Vision Slogan
As a marketer, I don't like any of them, especially the top three where you are suggesting that the site is competing on price. What makes your site better than say, 1800Contacts.com, JustLenses.com, or Lens.com?
When a company adopts slogan usage, it is usually from a branding perspective, which, for a site offering many different brands of contact lenses, may lose its effect on consumers. I'd recommend that you build up a customerbase before settling down on any one slogan.
Elements of an effective slogan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advertising_slogan
Related articles: http://www.adslogans.co.uk/ans/index.html http://www.b2bm.biz/default.asp?docId=12882&productGroupId=13601&show=13907 http://www.searchengines.com/marketing_free_slogan.html