Question : Different default date time format
I am writing a C++ ESQL Sybase application. I use dynamic SQL method 4 descriptor to get the columns. When my program got the date, the format is "May 19 2004 12:00:00:000AM", however i got a sample program from my colleague and the format his program got is "Jun 2 1998 1:09:09" I don't know the setting of his sybase server but mine is 1) Language : english 2) Character Set: cp850 Also, my windows locale setting: English(United States)
I have changed the locale to English(united Kingdom) but it doesn't make any difference!!!! It is very difficult for me to convert the date format to YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS: 24 if someone use another Sybase server with different language which results in different date time format. Could anyone here please give me some advice on this issue???
Answer : Different default date time format
Create a view and then select from that view.
Ex: Create View .... As Select Convert(varchar(30), datefield, 101), etc...