Question : Recovering Exchange PRIV.EDB
We have had a disk problem. The Exchange IS wont start. Though we have been running backups of files, there is no explicit backup of the Exchange IS, so we can't restore from a non corrupt version.
I have run eseutil -p of the priv.edb. It does three sweeps. In the first it finds 3 inconsistent entries.
In the second it just scans a database and reports nothing.
When it gets to the "repairing database" section, it bombs out with
Operation terminated with error -1017 "Jet_errRecordDelete record has been deleted"
When I try to run ISINTEG -pri -fix -test alltests
It craps out with an error JET_errBadLogSignature while opening IS database.
There is about 480MB in the priv.edb. I can't beleive it is so badly corrupted. I've often recovered databases before by running utilities but dont seem to have any luck this time.
Thanks for any help
Answer : Recovering Exchange PRIV.EDB
There is the possiblity of finding exactly where the errors are and opening up the database in Word believe it or not to repare the inconsistent data by hand. I had a friend do this once to save my ass on a inconsistent dir.edb but it was only about 75Mb your is much greater in size but the possibilty still exsit. If you want more instructions let me know!