Question : Exchange 2003 Address Book Segregation - Outlook Web Access and ActiveSync Issue

We are currently setup in an Exchange 2003 environment with Address Book Segregation setup and working in MS Outlook.  Whenever a user launches Outlook, they only see the people in their associated GAL under the Global Address List in the Outlook address book.  It was recently brought to our attention that people using Outlook Web Access (OWA), or Windows Mobile\iphone connected to Exchange, could see anyone in the organization if they searched the GAL from either OWA or their mobile device.  MIcrosoft will not help us support this and has removed any associated documentation from their sites.  Does anyone have any idea why our permissions would work in Outlook, but not in OWA or a Windows Mobile Exchange connection?  We currently have a seperate address list setup under the All Global Address List for every business entity in the organization.  Everyone is denied full control in the Default Address List and given permissions to their associated GAL.  We use filter rules to create the list of users associated with each GAL.  



Answer : Exchange 2003 Address Book Segregation - Outlook Web Access and ActiveSync Issue

Set the MSExchangeQueryBaseDn attribute or the users to list which OU users then can see in GAL
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