Question : Can a VBA function return an error code such as #DIV/0
How can I get a VBA function to return an error code such as #DIV/0! or #ERR - I can return Null, but this is interpreted as 0, so does not achieve my goals.
The VBA function will be accessed within a cell formula.
Answer : Can a VBA function return an error code such as #DIV/0
yes, and it is usually the way to manage this situation. First, have the function return a variant. Then, manage the error situation: - if error, choose a member of the enum xlCVError, eg xlErrDiv0 - convert it as an error using the CvErr function - return it as the result of the function
eg: dividing num1 by num2 Function Divide(Num1 As Double, Num2 As Double) As Variant If Num2 = 0 Then Divide = CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrDiv0) Else Divide = Num1 / Num2 End If End Function
Regards, Sebastien