Question : Finding unmatched data between two sql tables
I have two SQL 2000 table: Table 1: UserID, Date Table2: UserID, DateOut, DateIn
UserID is used as a join between both tables table1.Date needs to be matched as a date that falls between table2.Dateout and table2.datein I need a sql code to first find recods that match in table2 and a seperate code to show all records from table1 that do not have a match in table2.
Answer : Finding unmatched data between two sql tables
Hello sleiman,
you should use use a left outer join then...
select Distinct a.* ,case when b.userid is null then 'Unmatched' else 'Matched' end as [Status] from table1 as a left outer join table2 as b pn a.userid=b.userid and a.date between b.dateout and b.datein order by a.userid