Question : Store-bought DVD doesn't play, displays directory listing
Tried playing newly purchased Despereaux DVD for the kids over the weekend and it doesn't play. I have a Buffalo Link Theater and when you put in the DVD and select the DVD as the source to play, it goes to a page displaying the contents of the CD in a directory list form. The Directories are: AUDIO_TS. images, pdf, screensaver, video, VIDEO_TS, wallpaper. I tried playing it in my PC and the DVD does not auto play in WMP or any other DVD player. In Windows Explorer, the DVD shows up as "TALES_OF_DESPEREAUX (D:)". Clicking on that displays the same directory listing.
What is wrong? Did they not author the DVD properly?
Answer : Store-bought DVD doesn't play, displays directory listing
Have you tried playing another dvd movie? Try doing that, if another dvd movie plays fine then it's the dvd movie then. I would take back the dvd movie and get a replacement.
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