The leading / is very important.  Without it, the server will be trying to serve the image relative to the cgidirectory, ie:

instead of

Question : My cgi script can't find webpage image file

Hi all,

I written a small test cgi script to create a basic webpage but the script can't find the image even when I put the image in the cgi folder.   The table displays correctly but the image never shows.  I've placed the image in different folders and even in the same directiory as the cgi code, but it never displays.  

This is probably so elementary that I'm embarassed to ask.



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI (':standard');
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print "\n";
print "print " content='no-cache'>\n";
print "TGW Test\n";
print "\n";

print <


print "";
print "";

# End of script.

Answer : My cgi script can't find webpage image file

As I expected, you aren't using absolute paths.

Change your CGI script to have

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