Question : Array formula to sum the product of two columns
I am trying to write an array formula that will sum the product of column A times Column B. For Example:
Row Column A Column B Column C
1 1 2 3
2 3 4 7
3 5 6 11
4 7 8 15
5 9 10 19
6 Total 55
Is there an array formula (a formula, not VBA) I could write that will give me the answer of 55 while eliminating column C. The inputs to the array formula would be $A1:$A6 and $B$1:$B$6. Is there a way to instruct the array to sum each line until it gets to the end of the range at line 6, and then give the total, eloquently all in one cell?
Thanks for your help.
Answer : Array formula to sum the product of two columns
and you need an equals sign at the front, too.......................
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