Question : Can logman be used to create Performance and log (perfmon) alerts?

I have been using the logman command line utility to create performance counters and monitor remote machines using perfmon. Is there a way to create alerts using a command line interface? I can create them using perfmon but have not been able to find a way to do it using a command line technique. My goal is to ultimately monitor performance counters and raise alerts if a counter is above a threshold.

Answer : Can logman be used to create Performance and log (perfmon) alerts?

Not what you need?
using the web page I sited that is

-th Specify counters and their threshold values for an alert.

-[-]tn Specifies the task to run when an alert fires.
The following command creates an alert called new_alert that fires when the performance counter % Processor Time in the Processor(_Total) counter group exceeds the counter value of 50.

logman create alert new_alert -th "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time>50"

Sorry it is our my depth don't have any further ideas for you.
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