ah you need to provide that kind of info.
the problem then is with security .
some light reading from the help file.
see help file for more info on how to fix your problem.
When using this method, consider the Flash Player security model:
For Flash Player 8:
Data loading is not allowed if the calling SWF file is in the local-with-file-system sandbox and the target resource is from a network sandbox.
Data loading is also not allowed if the calling SWF file is from a network sandbox and the target resource is local.
For more information, see the following:
"Understanding Security" in Learning ActionScript 2.0 in Flash
The Flash Player 9 Security white paper at
http://www.adobe.com/go/fp9_0_security The Flash Player 8 Security-Related API white paper at
http://www.adobe.com/go/fp8_security_apis For Flash Player 7 and later websites can permit cross-domain access to a resource through a cross-domain policy file. In SWF files of any version running in Flash Player 7 and later, url must be in exactly the same domain. For example, a SWF file at
www.someDomain.com cannot load data from sources at store.someDomain.com because both files are not in the same domain.
In SWF files that are running in a version of the player earlier than Flash Player 7, url must be in the same superdomain as the SWF file that is issuing this call. A superdomain is derived by removing the leftmost component of a file's URL. For example, a SWF file at
www.someDomain.com can load data from sources at store.someDomain.com because both files are in the same superdomain of someDomain.com.
Availability: ActionScript 1.0; Flash Player 6 - Behavior changed in Flash Player 7.