Question : Hyperlink to launch client's local executable program with parameters

Hyperlink to launch client's local executable program with parameters

This is cool:

Assisted Answer from clivewall
Date: 07/30/2003 12:34AM PDT
Grade: A
 Assisted Answer  

IF you have access to each client to add a regsitry key you can do what you want seamlessly ...
To execute c:\my prog\prog.exe %a %b %c

Add to a new key to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT called 'myprog'
Add an empty string to this key called 'URL Protocol'
Add the sub-keys:  \shell\open\command
Set the value of the default string inside the command key to: " c:\my prog\prog.exe %1"

On your web page have your link as:
run myprog

HOWEVER, I am trying to use this in a GPO and cannot make any root entrys, I must use the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch to make it happen. My question is can I do this and if so where?

Answer : Hyperlink to launch client's local executable program with parameters

Then if the .adm file makers arent working, then I am at a loss.....I thought we were ok with the reg. method....

You can always use a sample .adm from MS and just modify the lines and the values in it....
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