Question : Count the number of weekdays up to a certain point in the year
Does anyone know an easy way to count the number of weekdays from Jan 1st to a given date?
Answer : Count the number of weekdays up to a certain point in the year
#fnWeekDay("12/05/04", "16/05/2004")#
name="fnWeekDay" output="false" returntype="numeric" displayname="Week Days" hint="I return the number of working days in a given date range"> type="date" required="true" hint="Starting Date"> type="date" required="true" hint="Ending Date">
nts.dateStart, "/"), listGetAt(arguments.dateStart, 2, "/"), listFirst(arguments.dateStart, "/"))> nts.dateEnd, "/"), listGetAt(arguments.dateEnd, 2, "/"), listFirst(arguments.dateEnd, "/"))>