Question : In calling displaygrouptree in powerbuilder script, I receive an error "Error Accessing external object property displaygrouptree at line 96 "
I am new to powerbuilder. At present, I am trying to access a crystal report from a powerbuilder script. I receive the error message "Error Accessing external object property displaygrouptree at line 96 "
ole_viewer.object.displaygrouptree = FALSE ole_viewer.object.EnableExportButton = TRUE ole_viewer.object.reportsource = oleReport ole_viewer.object.viewreport() Any of the above statements will cause this same error.
Answer : In calling displaygrouptree in powerbuilder script, I receive an error "Error Accessing external object property displaygrouptree at line 96 "
Let's confirm the propertes you want are present in the Crystal Report version you have.
Please insert a new Crystal Report OLE object in a window.
Insert object window should open. At "Create New" or at "Insert Control" tab click on "Browse..." button It will open the OLE Object Browser.
Here please confirm displaygrouptree is listed at Properties Node. Probably the property is containted in other object and you will need to call it like:
ole_viewer.object.CRviewer.displaygrouptree = FALSE
A good test will be to change a property or call a function listed in this OLE Object Browser within your code.
Try to change a property or a function from the list and include in your code before the actual error.
Let me know what is the result.