Question : Microsoft Movie Maker/editing Extras???
Hi Experts,
Do you know of any good free resources(like effects, cool introductions, transitions etc.) that can be used with Movie Maker or imported. The Microsoft site has a few extras add-ons.
Prior searching brough up a bunch of inactive/broken links.
Answer : Microsoft Movie Maker/editing Extras???
Windows Media Bonus Pack for Windows XP 2001 (Including Windows Movie Maker Creativity Kit) http://www.download.com/Windows-Media-Bonus-Pack-for-Windows-XP/3000-2141_4-8335076.html?tag=tab_pub
Windows Movie Maker 2 Creativity Fun Pack: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/mmcreate.mspx
Make home movies like a pro with Windows Movie Maker 2 and this brand new collection of creative extras, including video titles, music and sound effects. Whatever the occasion, there's something here that will help you make your home movies even better!
Windows Movie Maker Add-ons: http://www.windowsmoviemakers.net/Tutorials/AddOns.aspx
These downloadable packages contains the Movie Maker plug-in, and 100's of effects that are immediately usable in Windows Movie Maker 2.
Windows Movie Maker 2 Winter Fun Pack 2003: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/mmfunpack.mspx
Make holiday home movies like a pro with this creative collection of winter sound effects, holiday music, and seasonal video titles and animations, made exclusively for Windows Movie Maker 2.
Hope these help!