Question : Trying to insert Column from combo box to table
I am trying to insert the value of a specified column in a comb box to a table but can't seem to get it to work.
The table for the combo box has the following columns: EmpID, LastName, FirstName, Active, Email The row source for the above combo box is: SELECT DISTINCTROW MedReim.EmpID, MedReim.LastName & ", " & MedReim.FirstName, MedReim.Email AS Expr1 FROM MedReim WHERE (((MedReim.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY [LastName]; (This displays the persons name in the combo box based on the EmpID)
and finally, the code that is supposed to insert the "Email" column into a table called "Email" is: CurrentDb.Execute ("UPDATE [Email] SET Email = '" & Me.MedReim.Column(4) & "'")
Me.MedReim is the combo box and column 4 is where the Email address is stored.
This is killing me... any help would be greatly appreciated!
Answer : Trying to insert Column from combo box to table
Does the table you are trying to add email to already have a field for this?
What is the name of the table? What is the name of the field?
How are you trying to do this ... are you updating through a form or are you trying to update an entire table at one time?
Why do you need to store the email address more than 1 time per person?